Saturday, November 27, 2010

Shiny Goldwalkthrough

Debating the political engagement of young

In a speech rehashed in many writings, the concept of the struggle on behalf of the principles may have lost its meaning in the minds of youth. It is now replaced by the idea of the struggle for self-interest rather than collective interest, as the saying the end justifies the means. In fact, young people are no less politicized than those of 1968. But their commitments change form. Any current mobilization of youth movements is not related to a decline in youth engagement, but a rejection of political parties seen as too ideological and too closed.
Young people are very critical on Facebook and blogs with respect to the politicking and politicians like Marzouki, Mustapha Ben Jaafar, Najib Chebbi. Young Students no longer believe the great ideological systems, but they continue to look to the future of the university and society. They demonstrate great generosity and express their readiness to act for certain causes: the fight against AIDS, the right to employment, the right training and civic expression. The mobilization of young people are occasional but massive and their actions are pragmatic. Certainly, the youth of today do not require a revolutionary change of political system, but they want a quality education, leading to real possibilities of integration professional. Young
however, are more frequently registered as voters and take more part in the elections. Admittedly, the politicization of youth is uneven social conditions, their level of study, degree of political awareness.
The proliferation of forums for dialogue in schools, universities, youth centers and cultural and political parties can only encourage youth involvement. It is this learning that will highlight the true model of participation that young people will acquire and track during the rest of their lives.


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