Political Islam is not soluble in the democratic
Persistent rumors conveyed by Islamist elements on the Web talking about legalization in the coming months from a party with religious affiliations. Certainly, the plurality of political expression and intellectual is a sign of healthy democracy. Now we know that the law on political parties in 1989 does not create a party on religious, ethnic and linguistic minorities. Islam and the Arabic language are the heritage of all Tunisians. Any attempted monopoly in favor of these identity markers would be contrary to the very concept of nation. The values of Islam and Arabism are common to the Tunisians. That is to say that Tunisians today in their diversity, have ways to live their own Islamic identity and Arabism. This is what constitutes the specific identity markers of all Tunisians. Islam in which all Tunisians acknowledge Islam is the common memory and the everyday culture. However, the essence of political Islam is to impose by force and terror, a totalitarian vision of society and break the achievements of modernity. Some observers say that the Islamists have changed and that political Islam is soluble in democracy. But the very essence of political Islam is to divide people based on their relationship to a transcendent Islam and want to apply the ideal city in the Law of God, that is to say, corporal punishment and the rules of Sharia.
The public space would then become a theological space under the influence of imams. It is a very dangerous design of public life that will do the singers of the Middle Ages and certainly serve the cause of democracy and progress.
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