IFEX When playing the game of crazy fanatic ...
When the Tunisian authorities continue to bear with courage and determination their full responsibilities in the fight against Islamist nihilism destructive and bloodthirsty enemy of freedom, the Monitoring Group of Tunisia from the Exchange International Freedom of Expression (IFEX) still dares talk about what he calls "censorship of online activity" and reduced "to silence critical voices." In a cloth tote made public, the IFEX going to confuse freedom of expression with the amendment of article 61 bis of the Penal Code relating to economic security and vital interests of the country.
What IFEX forgets to mention is that we are witnessing these days in an acceleration of a campaign of vilification and incitement to murder launched, especially via the Internet cons of Tunisian intellectuals for the crime of lese-religion . The latest is a black list of twenty-three Tunisian intellectuals accused of heresy. Texts carried by blogs and websites that explicitly call for the physical liquidation of these "heretics" who are fighting God, his Prophet and the pious
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