What counts is not so much what we saw, but how we live and the memories we hold. We can be happy even when is poor.
While others wake up late morning, still not recovered from their sleepless night and party head in the fog of having too toasted to Health 2011, we board a bus at 8am Viazul. Six-hour journey ahead of us, through much of the country, to our base for two days: Trinidad, a city classified by UNESCO again. City founded in the sixteenth century by Diego Velazquez, today is primarily a place devoted to tourism, evidenced by the large all inclusive hotels located nearby, but the crowd of Cubans waiting for us at 14 am at the bus terminal downtown. Several mamas we extol the delights of their casas particulares , we invite in paladares , we flee. We already have a reserved address: Casa Colonial Carlos and Rebecca.
The casa particular Carlos and Rebecca reopened a few months ago, and Carlos will tell us the trouble experienced this house. Held a few years ago by Mercedes, the sister of the owner, recommended in all guide books, the casa farm after the death of Mercedes. Carlos and his wife decided to take over the case, but they will have to wait three years to receive a new authorization of the State. So now they are recovering in the saddle, and Carlos will not hesitate at the end of my stay, asking me to advise all his house. What I'd be happy to, once in Vinales, to follow ...
For now, new
s tabling our case in our two rooms, go around the house, discover Cassagne, dog owners, muskrats cage, an iguana (yes!) on a leash. We meet the son of Carlos and Rebecca, his pregnant wife and their baby-son, Alexander, who also waits with his girlfriend, a happy event. Alexander was just 17, and Rebecca repeatedly entrust us worry about the future of the young couple .... We give them good morning and veins directly take a taxi. Direction: Playa Ancon. We are the 1st January, it is 16 hours, we landed on a beautiful beach, the sun begins to descend to the sea Quickly in water, and presto! We are in the Caribbean Sea. We do not really realize, each repeat that we are in Cuba for the new year. We remember that Quebec and Montreal, it is very cold. And this makes us even more to enjoy the water at 25 °. We remain on track to 18h, the time for a swim and a walk along the shore. The jejenes , small sand flies, attack us at that time, and we head back a taxi to Trinidad before our arms become battlefields.
The evening soon to say. A dinner in a Paladar good but long (wait an hour ...), his flat while sipping a cocktail too a-rum-ATIS. Then we go next to the church in Trinidad, to the Casa de la Musica, where every night of Latino groups inflame the public, who begins to dance. Eleanor and Aurelie are invited to learn salsa, Catherine and I prefer to take refuge in the mojito. I absolutely do not want to dance, among those Cubans who make it amazing since their childhood! The next day, after a hearty breakfast prepared by our hosts, we
embarking on an exploration of the small town of Trinidad. But before we go to the bus terminal (the wah-wah they say, Cubans) with Eliane, a French woman of 60 years met for breakfast at Carlos. Able to come on the island for 30 years, it has its places, and has had time to further explore the lifestyle and thinking of people. It helps us in two minutes, to change our return ticket to Havana (operation that took an hour without it, and who could never achieve as positive): instead of starting on 3 in the morning, we will start the 3 to 15 hours. We leave Eliane, who leaves at occupations, and let us lead to the Plaza Mayor, the historical center of Trinidad. Instead, which also resembles a small garden is beautiful. The colors, the central scupture, pots, nature, everything comes together to make this site a friendly place and lovely. So romantic.
We continue outside the scope of tourism, we venture into the dirty streets where children and women we call pesos, soap. The houses are colored, you can see the distant mountains. We got into a few laps to see the splendid view of the sea and the mountains.
After a good meal in a cafeteria for tourists (yes ....), we leave aside the ace pec t cultural, and decided to go to the beach. We have already benefited a lot from the city, and it is 15 hours! It's hot, a taxi and 10 kilometers later, the coconut trees, sand, and water as hot as yesterday. The sun beats down, we basted with sunscreen to excess (my little franchouillard skin is so fragile!). Splash, splash, I want to take the plunge Catherine and annoy Eleanor (who sponsor!) We go back to 18.30, so we showered and we do good to Carlos and Rebecca. The latter cooked us a very good chicken, which we share with Eliane, who came to the occasional dinner session. She talks about the Cuban
and is the translator of Carlos, who shares with us his views on the future. To the question "what will become of Cuba?" he answered without shame or fear that the island will remain communist if it follows the path of China. Nostrepart reluctance, knowing full well that China does not shine by its r espect for human rights ... Elias tells us some funny stuff, but mostly very surprising: for example, the problem of gas and matches. For Cubans, the gas is free, and therefore no need to save. By cons, leaving many homes and gas fireplace, to save the match, extremely expensive for the people! Another surprising fact: many Americans are to be operated in Cuban hospitals, physicians are highly efficient and lower cost .... But here, a doctor is paid a fixed salary, about 13 euros: the same salary as a taxi driver, a server, or anyone! This discussion between us young Europeans newly arrived on the island, Eliane who knows the country for over thirty years and Carlos who engages smoothly is rewarding. Sometimes the conversation is interrupted by Alexander, who leads the shirtless mojitos, or Carlos, we are proud to show off her cake made for us (sugar, sugar, sugar!). Late Night: Like the previous, Casa de la Musica, another mojito hand, watching the Cuban dance.
We had to leave in the morning, but clearly preferring the calm, charm and the sea of Trinidad, we take our morning to go one last time at the beach. At this hour, water is blue, like postcards. A dive, the last sun and we run into the city. Quick shower, quick meal, we take our business, graciously thank Carlos and Rebecca for their welcome, and we here at the bus terminal. 15h, we must go ... Bus accident, we will remain at half past one in the small terminal to wait before a bus company Astro invites us not free to travel to Havana. We left Trinidad at sunset, happy, truly happy, those two days. The next day we'll be in Vinales, and we fear that after this sojourn in the south, our next destination we do not disappoint ....
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