Solution today to send his site is under symfony on a shared host.
No Access SSH, so no command lines. However, it should have the minimum rights on the server.
Login to your storage space by FTP .
Normally you have a folder / www must be put the contents of your file
/ web .
If you do not have a www directory, as I have encountered the problem on Forums, it will go into the admin panel to set the record / web (which you copied your original project ( symfony)) as default. Delete the rest
All other directories ( apps, config, cache , ...) will go to the root of your space.
So you have a very similar architecture, except may be the case web renamed www
Upload your symfony installation at the root, alongside the apps and config files.
I personally installed in the symfony-1.4.
Now, we must point to this directory.
This happens in the / config / ProjectConfiguration.class.php or we must change the line require_one '/ my / path / local / to / symfony';
You must put the new path . It begins OVH by Homez. 3chiffres {} But you're not supposed to know. To find out, you can either generate an error by going to the site now, php will say there is an error in such a place, it will then copy the path either by posting \u0026lt;? echo realpath ("index.php");?> in index.php
so it gives something like: require_once
'/ homez.123/monnom/symfony-1.4/lib/autoload / sfCoreAutoLoad.class.php ';
Then as we are in the conf file, if you have a www folder instead of the original web file, we will override the configuration variable SF_WEB_DIR pointing normal on the web.
sfConfig: set (' SF_WEB_DIR ', ' / homez.123/monnom/www ');
Otherwise, we will not touch.
There remains only one step to the side config, the database is pretty easy too, the basic package provides a database in general, one must first create it in the manager . Then it gives you the access information.
So open the file / config / databases.yml
You just change the login with yours ...
class: sfDoctrineDatabase
dsn: mysql: host = mysql5-xx.perso ; dbname = monnomdb
username: myname
SetEnv PHP_VER Options FollowSymLinks ExecCGI 5
\u0026lt;IfModule mod_gzip.c>
Off \u0026lt;/ IfModule> \u0026lt;IfModule
RewriteEngine On # Allow IE recognize the win_png.htc reprocessing png transparent
# AddType text / x-component.
htc # RewriteBase / ~ votredossierbase /
WE # skip all lines With.
Something RewriteCond% {REQUEST_URI} \\ ..
$ RewriteCond% {REQUEST_URI}! \\.
html $ RewriteCond% {REQUEST_URI} ! \\.
php RewriteRule .* - [L] # WE check if the. Html version is here (caching) RewriteRule ^ #
$ index.html [QSA] # Remove the "/" for a subfolder RewriteRule
^ $ / index.html [QSA] RewriteRule
^([^.]) $ $ 1.html [QSA] RewriteCond% {REQUEST_FILENAME
} "-f # no
, So We redirect to front o web controller RewriteRule
# ^(.*)$ index.html [QSA] # Remove the "/" for a subfolder RewriteRule ^(.*)$
/ index.php [QSA, L] # #
hidden frontoffice controller RewriteRule ^ (. *) $ index.html [QSA] # Remove the "/" for a sub-folder
RewriteRule ^ index \\. /(.*)$ php / index.php [QSA, L]
\u0026lt;/ IfModule> # big crash
from our front web controller ErrorDocument 500
"\u0026lt;h2> ; Application error \u0026lt;/ h2> symfony application failed to start Properly
Rather easy to Maintenat huh? Well it's almost over, it's really too symfony cool ...:)
Now we must copy the directory sf your symfony installation / homez.123/monnom/symfony-1.4/data/bin/web/sf / otherwise you will not have small embedded images of the framework used especially by the debug bar.
Now there is only one thing to do it. Htaccess
Create a file in the
/ www that you call. Htaccess and put AC in it: Make sure that records
/ cache and / log are both empty and that the rights are at 775 or 777 then
enjoy your site.
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